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If Only I Could

One moonlit morning in November while sitting in my deck around 4am
Santa Rosa

If only I could
I certainly would
Transfer this love and joy that abounds
When looking up to the brilliant moon
I feel her rays reaching out to me.

The breeze wafts and circles around
the willing branches of the aspiring trees
making the sound of the gentle rain
While kicking up the fragrance
of the wet earth of recent rains

I am doing this for you they seem to say
As if to touch my heart and
From there spread to all my parts
Filling me with their living throbs
NO YOU and NOR ME they seem to say.

So I stay there and pray and pray
For my loved ones
Which I do every day
Then I look up at the silver orb
The sukta glory to Shree I say
Smiling with every word that comes out
The smiles that she gives back to me
Proclaim every word the sages have made
Calls to Matter to hurry their pace.

If only I could
I certainly would
Transfer this love and joy that abounds
With one single sweep
I would move it all
Across all continents
To ANY One
Who can hold it ALL.

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