Sri Suktam
- Good for those who value sound family life and all round prosperity. Vedic approach to Shri therefore primarily suited for non murthi upasana.
Om Gum Ganapataye Namah
Introduction to the Shri Suktam
One of the most commonly recited prayers the Shri Suktam is classified as a Khila Rik i.e. an addendum to the Rgveda. It is not found in any extant rescensions of the Four Vedas. The fifteen verses in this sukta have been commented upon by many famous punditas such as Shayanaacharya, Prthvidharaacharya, and Nanjiyaar. It has also served as a runway for other creations such as the Chatushloki of Yamunaachaarya, Sri Sthuthi of Venkatanatha, Sharanaagatipadya of Raamaanuja, Shri Stava of Vatsanka Misra and others.
Our interpretation of the Shri Suktam is based on the belief at AMBA House that meanings and commentaries of certain scriptural texts can occur only when the eternal springs of a "intimation from beyond" gushes forth like a geyser. The fullness of this import therefore differs radically from interpretations motivated by academic goals and the material can never be confined to thesis deliberations.
Scholars agree that this sukta was composed in the traditional Rgvedic style by authors who lived way past the Vedic age in Indian history. Commentators who lived around the Bhakti period, naturally began with the belief that the central core of this sukta revolves around the pouranic devata, Mahaalakshmi due to the repeated occurrence of the word 'lakshmi' in this prayer. Our interpretation is not based on the puranas. It is not our intent either to de-sanctify the association of the pouranic devi Mahaalakshmi, consort of Mahaavishnu. We are simply adhering to the fact that the authors of this khila rik while scrupulously maintaining the Rgvedic style of compostion have also followed the same in its meaning. We welcome you then to the Vedic interpretation of the Shri Suktam. Here you will find the most glorious tribute to Shri. It is a tribute to the royal metal, gold. The role of wealth in procuring the necessities is recognised very clearly here. This sukta is suited for those who respect and recognise the power of wealth.
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