First day, First Poem
Fancy roof garden, up on top
Settings as in hotels everywhere
Daylight barely breaking into the day
Rising to the skies, the Acropolis.
Artificial lighting reveals the destruction
An expose of human intolerance and arrogance.
Sitting with a bowl of cornflakes, milk and coffee
No appetite whatsoever.
Only tears rush swiftly filling my eyes
To see the ancient glory of Greece
Reduced to rubble and ashes.
Oct.10 2017
Athens gate Hotel
Athens ,Greece
The artist's eyes sees this not
Her hand traces lost glory
Bringing it back to her and others
Alive as it seems now
To all those whose minds receive
No marauders can enter you see !
(Added on Oct 30 Petaluma)
(seeing a painting of the Acropolis by Albanian artist, Mimoza Arapi )
Read at Rivertown Poetry night