In The Arena of Love Divine
Oh, beautiful lover of the Divine-Pir Sultan Abdal
(Güzel aÅŸk cevrimizi)
Oh, beautiful lover of the divine,
You could not take the tests and challenges of this path!
Did I not tell you so, oh heart again and again?
You could not digest the food of willing surrender on this path.
Did I not tell you so, oh heart, again and again?
The eyes of those who refuse this banquet’s fare,
Are blood shot due to strain and despair
The breath of revelations (therefore) fall quickly from the air.
Did I not tell you so, oh heart again and again?
Let us dive into the very heart of this path.
Let us surrender everything to Ali in faith.
You could not lay your head on the chopping block of Truth.
Did I not tell you so, oh heart again and again?
The King is our pir and my sultan.
Our tumultuous path ends in God.
The 12 Imams protect us on this road.
Did I not tell you so, oh heart again and again?
One can take this poem in two ways. This could be the poet addressing a truth seeker, who is not ready to face the challenges involved in seeking the truth. It could also be the poet addressing his own lower self, that drags him down with despair, cowardice and fatigue. This is the struggle he is experiencing between his lower and higher self.
Pir Sultan Abdal was a rebel during the Ottoman time period 14-15 cent. He was an Alevi, a humanist and a gnostic. He wrote for ordinary folks. He was hung to death by Hizir Pasha.
Ali and the 12 Imams according to Shia, Bektaashi and Aalevi belief are the rightful successors of Prophet Muhammed. Each era has an Imam appointed as a spiritual authority. The current Imam is Muhammed al Mahdi. He is believed to be living in occultation
Güzel aÅŸk cevrimizi
Güzel aÅŸk cevrimizi
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